My first night of dance went well!! Much better than anticipated. After stretching (which was very painful, if I may add), we did some crunches, then some kicks, then some various turns and leaps across the floor. Laurie had a baby tonight, so Debbie will be teaching the class for a few weeks (YAY!!) She made it clear a few times that it’s not about how good we used to be, or how good someone else is. Everything is just for fun. She cracked some age jokes too. Which was kind of funny.
My leaps weren’t too bad. My turns across the floor however… no good. I felt all lopsided and dizzy. They felt horrible, but looking at everyone else they didn’t look too bad when put in perspective. The good news is I could go in a straight line. The bad news is the line was diagonal. But after I did a couple double left pirouettes Debbie complimented me in front of the class and said I did really good for not dancing for 8 years. And people clapped. I can’t put into words how good that made me feel. Then we did some tap moves. Pretty simple stuff. It was the first time I did wings!! Well, not the first time doing them, the first time actually doing them, if you know what I mean. I even did a one footed wing!! Only on the right side though. At first I thought it had to do with turn out (because the way they are teaching things has changed, and apparently it sounds like they are taking all turn outs out of tap), but I think it’s really because of Curtis. You see, I just visualized what it would feel like to actually do them, as opposed to just doing them, and voila!! Well, apparently I’m visually impaired on the left.
The hour and a half went fast, and before I walked out Debbie told me I did really good tonight. Perfect ending to a perfectly fun class. I can’t wait until next week. Maybe I’ll have to practice at Lifetime :D
Hmmm… sounds like fun. The only thing I could do to bring back that same feeling is to start making cones again. Doesn’t really compare.