Alright, I had my first scuba diving nightmare last night. Ok, so the nightmare wasn’t exactly diving related. In my dream I was at the cklahr residence. Of course it wasn’t really their house, but you know how dreams are, good enough. Curtis was already at their cabin and Kristen and I were waiting for Nick to get to the house so we could leave for the scuba class. I figured I would take a nap seeing I was kind of sleepy. Between Nick coming over and Kristen being around I felt content to get some shut eye. Of course when I woke up it was 4:30 pm. Kristen hadn’t been paying attention to time, and Nick was still at work. Oh no!! How could we make it to the class by 5:00 if we had three hours of driving ahead of us?? (Again, 3 hours in “dream time”). I was scurrying around trying to collect my belongings from the cklahr residence. Somehow my suitcase of stuff was scattered around the house. Then I realized I didn’t pack any snorkel equipment, and I looked out the window longingly at the rocky ocean below. Yes, I was now on vacation at the cklahr residence, late for the scuba class in Brainerd, with no snorkel equipment to take advantage of the ocean outside. Fortunately for my morale there was no underwater nightmare last night.
Weird. However, if you were also trying to program an 800 Mhz radio while painting your bedroom ceiling this would all make perfect sense.