There’s no internet connection available in our condo, so I will be typing up my Belize Blog and posting it when I get the chance. I feel so disconnected from the world, and we have to rely on paper maps *sigh*
Wednesday night: Nick and I were up most of the night squaring things away for Belize, with last minute packing, laundry and filling the Explorer with gas. I purchased some plastic clothing compression bags, not so much for saving suitcase room, but more so because I don’t like my clothes tumbling around and getting all wrinkly. We finally made it to bed around 2 am.
Curtis and Kristen showed up at our house around 4:30 am. The four of us were on our way to the Mpls airport shortly afterwards. Things started off really well. There was no traffic, we found a parking spot at the Park ‘n Fly and the shuttle was right behind us to whisk us away to the terminal. Once there we checked in at the self service kiosk and made our way to security.
As I headed through the metal detectors I stumbled on a candy wrapper. Sounds worse than it was. I think it hit my shoeless foot and it gave me a bit of a start. The guy at the metal detector was all serious and asked what I ran into. I told him and he laughed, then he said he said, “I thought maybe it was the ghost. We have one of those you know?” Then he said he was joking and chuckled. For how quickly security was moving, the guy running the scan machine was surprisingly anal. He asked Nick if he had a lot of cords in his bag and if he had an iPod. Then he said to me, “Do you have something rolled up in your bag? Why… is that a roll up hat??!? Wherever did you find that? My wife would love one of those for Christmas.”
No, not really. He asked me if I had nail clippers in my suitcase. I told him yes and he asked if he could have a look, which I thought was kind of strange because I’ve never seen the guy working the monitors rummage through anyone’s bag. Of course I didn’t realize when I went to pick up my bag that it was still unzipped. Nick did, but failed to mention anything until it was too late. I picked my suitcase off of the rollers and it opened right up, the contents spilling onto the ground. It wasn’t too big of a deal, as all my clothing was neatly packed into the compression bags. The black case that I kept all my bathroom supplies in was another story. Everything tumbled right out. With Kristen’s help I packed it all away and moved out of the security area. They looked in Curtis’s bag too, as the weights in his BC through them for a loop.
We got through security a little before 6 am, had breakfast at Axel’s and did some shopping at The Body Shop before heading to our gate. Our flight was scheduled to leave from at 8 am with about an hour layover in Miami. We boarded the plane and sat at the gate for awhile. Then the announcement came. There was something wrong with the hydraulic system. They told everyone it would take about an hour to fix and to leave their carry ons and exit the plane.
Needless to say we didn’t have an hour to spare so they ended up re booking our flight to the 9 am to Houston with a connecting flight to Belize… and that’s why we don’t check any luggage!! We would be arriving approximately one hour after previously anticipated, so of course we then had to rebook our charter flight to get to San Pedro.
Fortunately the flights from there out went smoothly. Our flight to Houston left on time. The guy that sat next to me was from Texas and obviously had no idea how to maneuver a winter jacket because as he was trying to stuff it in the overhead bin above Curtis the jacket kept flopping around on poor Curtis’s head. I could not contain my laughter. Then once in the Houston airport we saw this guy picking his nose. Right on the escalator, in plain sight of everyone. Just going to town too.
Of course our next gate was at the complete opposite end of the airport. Once we got there we grabbed a quick bite at Fudruckers, then hopped on the plane to Belize. It wasn’t completely full. Nick and I had the whole row to ourselves, so Nick used me as a giant pillow for the entire flight. There was a couple in front of us with two small children, but they were really well behaved, so that was good. When we got into Belize we had about a half hour to get through customs and to the charter flight. Our flight was re booked for 4:40 pm, but we ended up on the 5:15 instead. Their website and our travel agent said flights are every hour, but it seemed like they added flights as needed.
The charter plane was a really small 14 person plane and we had to check our bags. On our way to the plane we even saw our luggage ready to be loaded. There was my little purple suitcase and right next to it was Nick’s little orange suitcase. The flight was quick, about 15 minutes. When we got off the plane we followed signs to the baggage claim, which was a roped off area about 10 feet from the plane.
They unloaded all the luggage and what do you think happened? No orange suitcase for Nick. They told us we should wait 15 minutes for the next plane. Half an hour and 5 planes later Nick’s luggage finally arrived. We caught the next taxi to the Banyan Bay Resort which is about a mile from the airstrip. Our condo is very nice. From what we can see in the dark, the entire place is nice. It’s pretty much a ghost town right now. According to the kitchen manager, next week will start the busy season. The pool is great too, it has a swim up bar and no hours so we will be able to enjoy late night swimming!! :bigsmile: We had dinner at Rico’s restaurant, just a few steps from our front door. Very tasty. It’s almost 10 right now and we’re pretty beat. It’s off to bed for now!!
Hi Jill, WOW, having waited three days to hear about the diving, this is absolutely fascinating reading. I await in anticipation to see the pics and how they compare to what I am envisioning! It’s tempting to go sign up for Dive Classes just to experience more than our snorkeling adventures. Hmmmm…wonder if we’d pass.
You’ve got my attention!!! WRITE ON!!!!