I was the first one up this morning. 7:30am never felt so late in my entire life. I made coffee, fixed a bowl of cereal and patiently computed until Cindy and Kristen woke up and kept me company.
It was overcast and rainy again this morning. We spent the morning chillin’ in the condo. Around 10:30am we hit up the grocery store for some supplies, sans Nick, who slept in (surprise, surprise).
At noon we went outside to catch the shuttle, hoping for good news. The diving for the day was on!!
When we got back to land it was raining pretty steadily, along with the occasional lightening and thunder. Going out for the evening looked dismal. We made some drinks and decided on Chopstix Chinese delivery for dinner. The idea of walking to Haagan-Daz for dessert was entertained, but the off and on (more often the latter) rain seems to be putting a damper on that plan. Right now we are all chillin’ inside again. Hopefully we’ll be diving again in the morning, 7:15am.