Dive: 26
Cayman Dive: 2
Date: 12/1/08
Site: Leslie’s Curl, North Wall, Grand Cayman
Avg/Max Depth: 47/66
Temp: 79
TBT/CBT: 0:32/20:53
Buddies: Nick, Kristen, Curtis, Ted
For our next dive, Jon didn’t come with us. He gave us a run down of the area and a couple options for our game plans. Melissa dove with us though, tagging along with her camera. This was to be a short dive. Maximum depth of 60 feet and 30-35 minutes tops. There were much more schools of fish on the second dive, and when we were just about finished we saw two Spotted Eagle Rays swimming around 80 feet down. Almost better than seeing the rays was seeing Kristen trying to signal to everyone that there were rays among us. Melissa hovered right over them, recording their graceful journey. I think they were the deciding factor for buying the DVD.
After another safety stop and another [unsuccessful] attempt at air rings the dive was over. And shortly after I was on the boat it was raining and storming. That’s one of the best things about diving. Even when the weather is crappy we can still enjoy vacation to the fullest!!