Friday 11/21 was a day was the day I had been waiting three long weeks for. I bought my Twilight movie ticket online in advance in order to get a free iTunes download of a special “Bella’s Lullaby” remix. Since I didn’t already have a date for the evening I talked Renee into seeing it with me. I practically had to twist her arm. Here’s what I posted afterward on the cklahr forum:
Here is my experience (no spoilers, or anything specific about it for that matter)
Twilight definitely did not disappoint. I thought they did a great job adapting it, but am still glad I had the knowledge of the book. For example, they could have explained the vampire conversion process a little better, Renee was confused. She liked it a lot too, which surprised me because she made it quite clear before hand that she’s not into the whole fantasy thing and didn’t like Harry Potter or LOTR. I practically dragged her kicking and screaming. I think the only reason she agreed to go was because I told her you guys liked the book, and that even Curtis wanted to see the movie. So I was really surprised on the way out when she told me if they make a second movie we have to see the midnight showing so there will be less irritating girls there. Sweet, she’s in.
It would have been a lot better if the theater wasn’t full of teenagers, although it was humorous to see the hordes of parents parked outside waiting. And the moms taking pictures of whichever group of girls they were chaperoning. Here’s pretty much how our experience went: Movie starts = excited murmuring, clapping. Enter Edward = squealing, seat bouncing (yes, I could hear them bouncing). They only had one reaction to funny parts. Giggles. No laughing, chuckling, gasping or otherwise scene appropriate reaction. Giggles were the only vocal remedy to whichever situation arose. It was really distracting actually. I think I missed the entire scene after Edward first entered the cafeteria because Renee and I were laughing so hard at them. Good times, good times.
The experience was definitely crazy. The line of traffic to get into the theater was absurd, but apparently it was all drop offs and pickups, because we got rock star parking and there were tons of spots open around us, which is unheard of in Maple Grove on a Friday night no matter what time it is.
The next day I saw the Twilight for the second time, this time with cklahr. I made the drive to St. Cloud sans Nick. It was not as crazy as the day before, but still packed. Kristen said it was because Cloud girls are different, but I believe it’s because all the crazy little girls went the night before, and if they were there again at least they got it out of their system.
My attempts to find someone to see the movie with me again were unsuccessful for a couple of days. Then on Thanksgiving Renee and I saw the movie again (it was totally her idea and she initiated it, no matter what she says now and I have a text message to prove it). It felt like I had waited forever to see it for the third time. We went to the midnight showing. It was a quite pleasant experience with only a few people in the theater. A small group of girls, a couple couples, a couple guys (seemed strange), and an older gent by himself. Then I saw her. Out of the corner of my eye I caught a flash of blue. A ruffley blue dress, cream cardigan, tennis shoes. Was someone dressed as Prom Bella? I couldn’t believe my eyes. I wished I could get a picture, but it was too dark and even if it were light enough it would have been way too obvious with the lack of theater goers.
I thought the five days was a long wait between my second and third viewings so the wait for the fourth viewing (9 days) was bordering on torturous, but not as torturous as the actual movie experience itself. Kristen and I headed to the one cinema on Grand Cayman. It was Saturday night, and apparently the only thing for underage kids to do on the island is see a movie. The theater was about a quarter full when the movie started and then the people started pouring in. Talking loud and being otherwise obnoxious. There was literally a constant murmur throughout the movie, it was the most irritatingly horrible movie experience I’ve ever had. I would rather have people who talk at the screen because at least they would be paying attention. There were also a ton of videos before the movie, circa 1982, about being quiet, throwing away garbage, etc. I kid not, we probably saw at least six and they were so loud it was painful. But apparently none of the kids got the memo because they were all ten minutes late anyway. If I hadn’t already seen it three times I would have been even more irritated at the parts I missed. And if Robert Pattinson didn’t make such a dreamy Edward, I don’t think Kristen and I could have sat through the entire thing. Worst. Movie. Experience. Ever.
Ever. And just because he’s (really they all are) so dreamy:
Hopefully I’ll be able to see it a fifth time while it’s still in theaters. I’m hoping to see it with my sis Lani. If anyone is game let me know!! It will be a hard couple months wait for it to come out on DVD, which is supposed to be packed full of goodies.
Another thing that’s packed full of goodies: the Twilight Soundtrack. There was a tough decision to make though. I had to decide whether to buy the album from a store and get one of four collectible posters, or buy from iTunes and get three bonus songs. At first I thought I’d go for the former, because I could always DL the bonus songs from the internet and I wanted a poster. Then I started thinking that I’d probably get a poster of one of the crappy characters, and why would I want some crappy folded up poster that came out of a jewel case anyway? So I bought the bonus album and it radiates awesomeness. Not since Romeo & Juliet has there been a soundtrack that I have enjoyed as much. Actually, I would have to say it made my top 10 albums list, maybe even my top 5. And there are two songs by Robert Pattinson on the album, apparently he does it all, could he get any better? *swoon*
And because I couldn’t resist, I bought a poster too. It’s hanging on my wall. Ok, I have to admit it does kind of creep me out.
However, it’s not quite as creepy (or funny) as this
And because I enjoyed the movie and soundtrack so much, I decided to give the score a go as well. Nothing makes my day like a good movie score. Must be the Orch-Dork lurking inside me. It was written by Carter Burwell, and he writes a very interesting tidbit about the origins of the song used for Bella’s Lullaby. Definitely my favorite score as well. Move over LOTR:FOTR and The Last Unicorn, you’ve just been out orchestrated.
And because I enjoyed the score so much, and I’m attempting to learn how to play the piano, I bought the sheet music for the movie. I received it today and fortunately it doesn’t look very complex to play.
At work today I got to have a first look at my new Twilight calendar.
Other than that jazz, I can’t wait to see the movie again, get the DVD loaded full of fun treasures, read the books again and see New Moon this November.
*Book and movie spoilers below*
Oh, and as far as the movie Twilight goes, I thought the screen play was well written and stayed true to the book. There were only a few things that weren’t up to par for me: 1) The vamps never ripped out any animalistic growls like in the books. That would be hot, 2) As much as I like the way Bella’s Lullaby was progressively woven into the movie, I was disappointed that the scene where Edward played it was part of a montage of the fully orchestrated song instead of him just playing the piano. For crying out loud, Mr. Dreamy can play in real life, give us a real scene, 3) Victoria’s appearance at the end made for good foreshadowing, but Edward would have heard her there, and 4) Spider monkey.
Fortunately there were plenty of things that made up for it in my mind. 1) Pattinson, 2) the baseball scene, 3) Pattinson, 4) Jasper and the baseball bat, 5) Pattinson, 6) the kissing scene, 7) Pattinson, 8) sex, money, sex, money, cat, 9) Pattinson, 10) the driving of the Volvo, 11) Pattinson, 12) Charlie and the gun, 13) Pattinson, and I’m sure there was one more, oh yeah, 14) Pattinson.
Although I’ve heard it’s plenty enjoyable without reading the book, the book definitely gives a bunch of character insight and history and I would still highly recommend reading it.
As far as New Moon goes, hopefully the new director will stay true to the books and won’t sell out. I hope they keep Taylor Lautner as Jacob and don’t write in a part for Edward while he’s away. The werewolves best not look cheesy, and it would please me if Carter Burwell wrote the score again. *Sigh* 319 days to go…
Jilly, would you like to go to Twilight this weekend?
Why, are you interested for #3? Maybe actually be able to hear the movie this time?
Yes please.