Last night I went to see Little Ashes with Blog Reader Kristen and Sarah (not Taylor), my partner-in-crazy-Twilight-crime, because we’re all really into independent films like that. And what a coincidence that it just happened to star Robert Pattinson!! I know, I know, we were all shocked too.
The film opened at the Lagoon Cinema last Friday and last night was our final opportunity to see it. I guess independent films roll like that. I think it’s because they can only a certain number of reels so they have to move them about the country on a weekly basis.
I managed to find the Lagoon all right thanks to Google Maps (I ♥ G) and BRK’s mad directional reading skillz. We only had to circle the block with the convenient one-way streets once because I drove past the parking lot. We made it just in time with only 45 minutes to spare so we decided to get some drinks at Bar Abilene first. We had drinks while discussing things like eating paint and artistic things to do with poop. BRK enjoyed a fruity looking Margarita in a martini glass (I couldn’t talk her into the 64 ouncer, party pooper), Sarah sucked down a strawberry Margarita and I drank a Bloody Mary that to my pleasant surprise came with a pickle and no olives (just the way I like ’em). And I’m pretty sure it was spiked… like, spiked on top of the original spike, because whooooey I sure did feel that right about the time we were walking to the theater.
Now, the Lagoon Cinema is an interesting place. There was no kiddie combo available at the concessions stand, however if you felt like chocolate covered fruit, caramel corn, wasabi peas or an espresso it would be your lucky day. In fact, it was BRK’s lucky day because she took full advantage of the caramel corn (which was quite delicious). Sarah and I stuck with normal popcorn, no butter. Apparently BRK and I are a bad influence because we corrupted innocent Sarah who had packed a banana for the flick.
One of my favorite parts of the movie theater experience is watching the previews before hand. It was a refreshing change to watch previews for some independent films. It was also strange because some of them were subtitled. If I ever see a subtitled movie, I hope I don’t have a spiked drink before hand.
Fortunately for me Little Ashes was not subtitled. Instead it takes place in Spain and has a bunch of Spanish actors (+ one hot Brit) who all speak English. Nice. And during the movie when there was Spanish being spoken they dubbed English over the top. Nice. Now that’s my kind of foreign film (technically I can call it foreign, because I think it’s a European production).
I thought the movie was excellent, and not just because it starred a deliciously homosexual RPattz (whom I might add is quite a fantastic actor, no really). I liked that it was based on history and that there were a bunch of loony artists in it. It was one of those movies where you feel what the different characters are feeling and there was a lot of passion (sexual and non-sexual, but mostly sextual). The characters were full of turmoil and longing and that’s exactly the kind of movie I like. With that said, tuck scene: more please, eyeball scene: no thanks.
After the movie we went back to Bar Abilene for dinner. BRK and I ordered tacos of various varieties and Sarah ordered a taco salad that dwarfed the table. We didn’t even get lost on the way home!! It was a very enjoyable evening and I hope for a summer full of those. :D
Check out the trailer for Little Ashes:
You wrote about me… I’m famous! And I even have my own tag! yes! I also was feeling good after my drink and had trouble focusing on the film. Until the eyeball scene. And the scene where RPatts “sits” in the corner while Frederico and his chick do it. That was a little weird.