Kristen was just getting back with Ted’s truck full of full tanks when we finished the dive. Fortunately for us the other divers hadn’t found the medallion either. It was about 1pm and we were starting to have hunger pains. Since we only had an hour before the next clue reveal we had to come up with a strategic plan. Kristen volunteered yet again to pick up Subway sandwiches for lunch. I volunteered to sit out the next dive so I could drive back to HQ by my onsie and call in the 2pm clue to the gang[bangers].
The next clue was something along the lines of “from the SE corner of the platform, go 120 degrees, let the fence be your guide.” Todd also reminded us there were two platforms. Having two platforms wasn’t much of an issue, since 120 degrees from the welding platform led smack dab into the shore. Curtis, Kristen, Ted and Adam were already in the water when I got back to the site. Mike sat this dive out as well. I was surprised that no one from HQ arrived at PADI #79 behind me. One of the two “other diver” cars had already left.
To our shock no one from our group found the medallion and the other group of two were just as unsuccessful. We discussed where to go for our night dive when we came to the realization that we had no other decision than to dive PADI #79 again. We drove back to HQ with out empty tanks, then ate dinner at Louie’s Bucket of Bones. After dinner we booked it back to HQ but the tanks weren’t back yet. It was 7pm and starting to get dark, so we grabbed four rental tanks and hightailed it back to PADI #79.
Our spy… Jilly Diver 0079