We left Blog Cabin a little after 7am and ate breakfast at North Country Cafe again. We lost Adam because he left Saturday night, but we gained Susan during the meal. Kristen and I weren’t too game on diving again so we went to HQ for the final clue while the boys went directly to the site to gear up (PADI #79 for those who are just tuning in). I think at this point [most] everyone wanted us to find it. The clue was “107′ from the platform, 47′ from the first post 22′ from the second post, in 28′ of water… might be slighty covered.” So much for all the effort we put in not disturbing the bottom.
I called Curtis with the clue as Kristen drove us back to the site. They were in the water but hadn’t started their dive yet when we arrived. Shortly after we got there three cars came flying into the site. Paula and three other divers whose names I don’t remember. It took them so long before they all got suited up and in the water that I was surprised they were even trying to search for it. I don’t think anyone can quite fathom how meticulously we combed that site over the entire weekend.
After the four of them were in the water Kristen and I headed up the hill to try to find the boys. The wind made them hard to find, but we eventually saw their bubbles across the way. We could only assume they had found the medallian right away and were continuing on a leisurely dive.
It felt like an eternity, but we finally saw them swimming back to shore. It took an equally long time for them to get completely out of the water, but Curtis emerged wearing the medallion around his neck.
Instead of going back to HQ and gloating we opted for going back to the cabin to pack up our belongings and take short naps. We stopped at Dairy Queen for lunch on the way back to the campgrounds. They had a new blizzard: Cookie Jar. Oreos, cookie dough and fudge. Mmmm. I got a medium because it was my birthday weekend.
Since we didn’t collect any poker chips over the weekend, we had to sit and watch everyone else win prizes. None of us won a raffle either, but I suppose it was all worth it to have Curtis get the medallion for free fun dives all next year.
What a great way to end the season. Hopefully I’ll be able to squeeze another dive or two in. Maybe at PADI #79 for old time’s sake…
Does it not sound like I start to sob a little? Funny business.
Haha! Seems like you were a little grumpy that we didn’t bolt out of the water saying “We got it! We got it!” Good stuff.
Now there’s proof that Kristen says swears. :)