First and foremost, Happy Belated Birthday to!! It turned 3 on Feb. 28.
Second, for those of you wondering, yes I have seen New Moon. I know I didn’t go all crazy blogging about it this time around. Let me give you a summary:
Twilight8 & New Moon1: TwiSarah had a fantastic New Moon party on Nov. 19. There were 8 of us in attendance (including Katie, Marissa and Team Dog (btw, I listed them in alphabetical order because I’m anal, not because I like Katie the best or because I’m hating on Emily (a.k.a. Team Dog))). We watched the 9:00 pm showing of Twilight, followed by the 12:01 am showing of New Moon. It was totes awesome.
New Moon2: Emily and I spent the night at Sarah’s because we were up fangirling all night. What better way to spend a Friday off of work than watching New Moon again at 12:45 in the afternoon? I can’t think of anything. If you can, you’re wrong.
New Moon3: On Saturday Nov. 21 I made the traditional trip to Cloud to see New Moon at 9:00 pm with Blog Reader Kristen and Curtis. Oh, and Susan. We had to fill her in on the Twilight though because she hadn’t seen it. We ate at Red Lobster for dinner beforehand. It was yummy. Did you know if you go to you hear delicious sizzling noises?
New Moon4: On Tuesday Nov. 24 TwiSarah and I needed another fix, so we went to the 8:30 pm showing.
New Moon5: After filling up our bellies with Turkey on Thanksgiving, I saw NM again with my cousin Trish and her daughter Ashley.
New Moon6: On Saturday Dec. 5 I brought Sarah Taylor to the movie for her birthday. Carlos, who was in town for work, came with us as well.
New Moon7: Sometime in February TwiSarah, Team Dog and I watched NM again. It had been 2 months. Too long. Way too long.
New Moon8: After months of planning to go to the movie with my sister Lani, we finally got around to it on Feb. 18.
New Moon9: On Feb. 28 (and I blame me missing my site’s 3 year anniversary on this) I saw NM for the final time in theaters with my good buddy Laura. I guess I shouldn’t say the final time. Even though the DVD comes out in 9 days, it’s still playing at the discount theater, so…
I saw New Moon more than Twilight, which I said I would. Mission accomplished.
TwiSarah and I considered being Eclipse virgins, but I think we decided on just the tip (see post at Twitarded). We haven’t watched the 10 second teaser or the 90 second trailer that came out this week. We are holding out until tomorrow to see the trailer on the big screen before Remember Me. For the record, I’ve only seen the first trailer for RM a couple of times and viewed a couple of stills. I have absolutely no idea what the movie is about and I’ve been very careful to avoid the spoiler for the “twist” ending, which is quite difficult because it’s all over teh interwebs. I even fast forwarded through the RM clips on all the talk shows RPattz appeared on. *Pats self on back*
Although I admit I did consider looking at the spoilers because some of the scenes might kill me dead (see below) and then I’ll never know how it ends.
just the tip jilly, just the tip. p.s. in like 12 hours we’ll be seeing rpattz in the shower… mmm…