Not only does being sick suck because it made me miss yesterday’s Blog a Day post, but it also cost me two hours of my life spent in Urgent Care which I will never get back.
The cold I developed on Monday has gotten progressively worse each day. I took Wednesday and Thursday off work. My cough is horrible, and my throat and chest hurts every time I cough. After a nap this afternoon (I’ve practically slept the last two days away), I woke up with a painfully sore throat and could barely speak. I popped a few pills for inflammation and took another dose of ‘Quil, then I decided maybe I should go to the doctor.
Anyone who knows me knows that I avoid doctors at all costs. Unless there’s something really wrong with me (which is hardly ever), they usually send me away with instructions to take double the dose of something that is usually already in my medicine cabinet. It was no different this time.
I have an upper respiratory infection (aka fancy doctor words for common cold). It’s viral, so they can’t do anything about it. The rapid strep test came back negative, but I won’t have the results of the culture until tomorrow. Last time I had strep, the culture came back positive. So we shall see.
My blood pressure is through the roof, which is most likely *crosses fingers* a result of taking cold medication because I don’t have a history of high blood pressure. So they told me not to take anymore Day/NyQuil. Fortunately they gave me a prescription cough suppressant. Hopefully that will do the trick because I can’t handle another night of being miserable.
hope you feel better soon!
oh jilly. yuck. hope you feel betters.
how ru? i didn’t get any cooties from your cup at the movie.
but maybe it’s just incubating until i get home.
Sad panda :(