Last December I invested in a new coffee pot. I’m convinced it might just be the best kitchen device I’ve ever purchased. (Okay, mebbe it’s second to the Foreman Grill with removable plates, but that’s debatable.)
I had been thinking about replacing my old coffee pot for a few months, but I hate buying new things when I already have something that works perfectly fine. This is no secret, but I’m lazy. I knew it was time for a change the day I drove to the gas station to buy a cup of coffee because I didn’t want to deal with the mess and hassle of making it myself.
My Keurig coffee pot brews a perfect cup of coffee every time (even I can’t screw it up), and there’s practically no clean-up involved. There are no beans, messy grounds, or drippy filters to deal with. I can make one cup of coffee in about 30 seconds. Hot chocolate? Check. Tea? Check. Instant hot water? Check. I don’t have to worry about beans going stale. I don’t have to keep a grinder in the cupboard. And the best part? I’m not stuck with one flavor. The K-Cups are available in a variety of brands and flavors, and if I order them online, they end up costing about 50 cents a piece.
If you only drink 1–2 cups of coffee a day, or if you prefer a different type of coffee than the person you’re living with, or if the whole process of making coffee is too much effort, then I highly suggest buying a Keurig. I bought the one pictured above for $130 at Kohls, but there are many machines in different sizes and price ranges. I wish I had purchased one months ago. It would have saved me lots of trips inside the gas station.
I used one the other day and fell in love!! It is now on my “I Want” list!!!
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