I’m trying out a new blog theme. I can’t seem to stick with one for very long. This one seems to be less janky. I like it so far.
Also, I am blogging from my new iPad2. Yes, I realize the new iPad was just released, but roll with it. I am.
I downloaded the WordPress app, but I found it’s easier to just do it from Safari. Typing is another issue. Definely easier than the iPhone, but not as easy as a laptop. Maybe if I get enough practice, someday I’ll be a pro iPad touch typist.
I know exactly what you’re thinking right now, and it’s, “ZOMG, where’s Random Rob??!?” Don’t worry. He’s chilling at the bottom of the page. As you can see, a random gallery image is now located in the sidebar. Which reminds me of two things I need to do:
1) Attempt to upgrade to Gallery3 again, this time crossing my fingers so it won’t break.
B) Add albums other than vacation. This will have to wait until the file server is running, though. *cough*Nick*cough*
I can’t wait to hear what at least two of my possibly four blog readers think!
You alwayz make yer blog pretty, just like yer nailz. I’m communicating just like the peepz at Zorbaz, becauze thatz what I’m thinking about right now. Not really the food, but zummer and blog cabin and the like.
Alzo, I have a return to to at Athleta….wanna go with me on Zaturday? Maybe hit up Lulu az well???
Why yez, I would like to go to Zorbaz… er, I mean Athleta. Zaturday zhould work, unlezz you’re up for a little culture tonight?