I honestly can’t imagine going back to life before ereaders, so today I’m giving thanks to my Kindle!
OMG, seriously, what did I do before I had a Kindle? Let’s see. First I had to get to the library or bookstore, which was a pain. Either that or I had to place an order online. And wait two whole days! Then once I had a book, well… there was the whole part about dealing with the book. Books are bulky, so it’s not like I’d haul it around with me on a daily basis. I usually left it on my nightstand. Not so great when unexpectedly stuck in a waiting room somewhere and the only thing to read are crappy, two-month-old tabloids. Traveling sucks too. Paper is surprisingly heavy! After finishing a book, it takes up space. I could get rid of it, but what if I wanted to read it again? (Which admittedly I rarely do, but that’s beside the point.)
Now I have a Kindle. I can buy a book directly on it or online and have it automatically delivered. Not only that, but it syncs with my iPhone and iPad, so I’m never stuck without something to read, and I never lose my place.
Do I still buy paper books? Sure, but it happens pretty rarely these days.
The only downfall with a Kindle is if you step on it, you better have some form of backup entertainment.
I think I might want one of these. But I don’t want to buy it. So I will keep using my Kindle app on my iPad, haha.
Hey, that’s awesome too! I embrace all things Kindle.
Hey, turns out I’m thankful for this as well. ;)