Today I’m thankful for calculators.
Don’t get me wrong. I love math. Algebra? I do it for fun. Calculus? Where do I sign up? Give me a complicated equation. Throw some Xs and Ys in there, it’s all good. I’m good at figuring stuff out. It just makes sense to me. It’s the basic math I struggle with. Multiplication tables? Anything over 5 x 5 makes me take pause. What is 7 x 9? Fuck if I know! I mean, I know it’s more than 2. I know it’s less than 1,000. Wait, there’s a finger trick for this one, isn’t there?
Nick laughs at me whenever I pay at a restaurant. I have no problem figuring out the tip. No, my struggle is adding the tip to the total. I finally quit trying to round my total to a whole number because it caused me too much stress.
So thank you, calculator, for making my life that much easier.
I envy you. I’m terrible at math. Like I can barely add 2+ 2. In fact, I’m pretty sure my accounting teacher in college passed me out of pity. Good thing I’ll never work in accounting!
Hahaha, me too! I am SO GOOD at calc! And addition. And multiplication. And yet, I SUCK at figuring out the tip. I need a calculator for that. If we joined forces we might actually be functioning humans.
wow…. #nerdalert
plus you can spell 80085 with them :)
Thanks for your first comment on my site, ever. ;)