Dive: 76
Belize Dive: 10
Date: 12/5/12
Site: Billy Bob’s
Avg/Max Depth: 49/69
Temp: 81
TBT/CBT: 0:49/62:41
Buddies: Nick, Curtis
Somehow I ended up over the wall with Nick and Rudy on this dive. They were hunting lionfish and feeding the eels. Creepy little bastards. I don’t think anything in the water makes me as nervous as these guys. The spotted eel in the beginning of the video below is twisting around to break a lionfish in half, then it chokes it down like a snake. The green eels are swimming about, which seems kind of rare to see, as they’re usually in their hidey holes with their heads poking out.
There were also barracudas, which give me the heebie-jeebies. This one was little and close, so it wasn’t too bad. I feel like if I’m close enough, it can see I’m not food and won’t charge me.
Not everything on the dive was creepy though. This sea turtle swam nice and close to me. I got photos and video!
Me and Nick.
Oh, my inflate button unstuck itself before this dive, so I got to use it like normal. At least I know what to do if it acts up again.
View all of my Billy Bob’s photos below.
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I spot a small eel while snorkeling and my flippers are immediately in high gear – can’t imagine staying that close to one this size..too freaky
I am :) :) :) two pics in one trip