Dive: 68
Belize Dive: 2
Date: 12/1/12
Site: Tackle Box
Avg/Max Depth: 50/87
Temp: 81
TBT/CBT: 0:48/55:59
Buddies: Nick, Curtis, Kristen
The second dive of the day started off with a bang. Rudy speared a lionfish right off the bat, which attracted a pile of nurse sharks. They went into a feeding frenzy, swimming frantically and bumping into us. They were moving so fast I couldn’t get a good shot, so I started up a video. If you hear me giggling, it’s because one rammed right into my butt.
Here’s Curtis’s video of the sharks eating. You can see me getting assaulted around 0:20.
The sharks were with us for the remainder of the dive, and I took about one hundred millionty pictures of them. Was there anything else of interest to look at? Who cares! Give me a nurse shark and I’ll be a happy diver.
Oh, wait. There was this spiney thing that I got close enough to to use the flash, so you can see the colors really well. Makes me want to invest in a super big light so my pictures turn out awesome.
I spent too much time hanging out deep with the sharks, so I had to hang above the group for a while near the end of the dive. Also, no lionfish for Nick.
View all of my photos from Tackle Box below.
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were these pics mostly at the 43′ ?
No, I was pretty far above everything at 43. Probably around 70 if I had to guess.