Dive: 75
Belize Dive: 9
Date: 12/5/12
Site: Turneffe Wall
Avg/Max Depth: 45/66
Temp: 79
TBT/CBT: 0:48/61:52
Buddies: Nick, Curtis
This dive started out with a bit of a glitch. My inflate button got stuck and I went rocketing to the surface. Okay, maybe not rocketing. I managed to keep a reasonable pace. It’d been so long since basic dive training that I really wasn’t sure what was happening or what to do about it (unhook it). It’s a good thing it happened right at the beginning of the dive in 40 feet of water as opposed to later on at greater depths.
Martin was waiting on the boat when I popped out of the water. He jumped in to turn off my air, then replaced my tanks since I lost a lot of air to the free flow. I had to manually inflate for the rest of the dive. It took a few times to remember which button to push while exhaling, and a mouthful of water, but I got it figured out. I’m happy to say that my buoyancy was just as stellar as always.
The wall was one of the best I’ve seen. It reminded me of diving in Cayman. Here’s a picture over the edge.
Nick speared another lionfish on this dive as well.
Loidy also pointed out this little gem. This was right in the beginning, before the mishap.
View all of my photos from Turneffe Wall below.
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the ‘little gem’ looks like a fish in ‘armor’ CUTE EYES
40′ at once ? Your not the only one glad you weren’t deeper..I have read some books…..breathe mom…ok..under control. x0