As you may or may not know, I’ve never been a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions. I think they’re a load of bullcrap. First of all, how stupid is it to wait until the new year to make a change for the better? Am I judging procrastinators? Why yes. Yes I am. Second, people who make NYRs usually set themselves up for failure. I hear a lot of far fetched resolutions. You know what I don’t hear? People on December 31st saying, “I am so happy I completed all my resolutions for the year. Go me!” *fist pump*
With that being said, I’d like to share with you some of my goals that just happen to coincide with the turn of the year.
Keep my house clean.
Jeebus, I’m pretty sure I clean our house twice a year. Once before our annual New Year’s Eve party and once right after it. OMG so much dust and dead bugs. I think I would clean more, possibly, maybe, if it were in a cleanable condition. The storage situation in our house isn’t the greatest. Pair that with stereotypical American consumerism and it’s a recipe for disaster. We have too much stuff. Stuff, stuff everywhere. Stuff that never gets used, but “oh, what if I need it one day?” Stuff that has no place. It’s hard to clean when there’s no order. Now that the house is clean and for the most part organized, I’d like to keep it that way.
Look at my pretty bookshelf. LOOK AT IT!
Read at least 18 books
Last year I had a goal of 12 books; I read 17. This year I’m really upping the ante: 18 books. Yes, reading audio does count.
I wish I didn’t read so goldarn slow. Seriously, it’s ridiculous. I can read fast, but I have to concentrate to keep it up for any extended period of time (#twhs). My brain just likes to marinate in the words. I also want to blog about the books I’ve read while they’re fresh in my mind, which leads me to…
Blog more
My blog is a mixed bag of crap. Vacations, nails, diving, books, etc. And you might think that would make it easy to blog consistently. There has to be something to talk about, right? I find it quite the opposite, actually. I have no focus, so I just don’t do it. I really enjoyed the 30 Days of Thanks posts because it gave me direction. I’ll have to do more like that again so I blog more regularly. Maybe I’ll increase my readership from 3 to 5.
See more independent movies
I’m looking at you, BRK. Less CrossFitting and more Culture Nighting.
I think that wraps it up for now. What are your goals for 2013?
So, Jill, one of first goals, definitely a better term than resolution, is being accompished simply by my posting a comment. I have struggled for years by lurking in the background and never fully engaging. I now want to slowly begin to becoming an active participant, and not simply a casual observer or lurker. Come out of the shadows, and express what I have to say. At work, I am often seen as the mouthpiece for our work group, but that is often easily accomplished because one projects a certain personna for work; however, I now want to be able to do the same in my personal life. I most certainly can become downright verbose when leaving a review for a writer; however, since one can cloak themselves in “pen names”, it is not necessary to engage in back and forth conversations. I need and want to change that. So I guess I need to take a deep breath, and say WTH, express my opinions and throw caution to the wind. I have a debilitating fear of being judged, but to accomplish my second goal, I need to suck it up and throw my thoughts out. To engage more fully with others.
When I stumbled upon Twilight FanFiction a couple of years ago, it stirred up the burning embers that I had tamped down. I have always enjoyed reading, and I often found myself being lost in the story, and with the discovery of FanFiction and the multiple of talented writers that abound in the Fandom, I find myself wanting also share my love of storytelling. With all of this being said, my goal is to begin putting words to “paper”. I have been doing some research, but I think I should step back from the research and just jump in.
So, that what I hope to begin to accomplish for 2013.
I’m glad you’ve decided to stop lurking, lurker. I think that’s a great way to start the new year. :)