Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi
It’s been months since Aria learned of her mother’s death.
Months since Perry became Blood Lord of the Tides, and months since Aria last saw him.
Now Aria and Perry are about to be reunited. It’s a moment they’ve been longing for with countless expectations. And it’s a moment that lives up to all of them. At least, at first. Then it slips away. The Tides don’t take kindly to former Dwellers like Aria. And the tribe is swirling out of Perry’s control. With the Aether storms worsening every day, the only remaining hope for peace and safety is the Still Blue. But does this haven truly exist?
Threatened by false friends and powerful temptations, Aria and Perry wonder, Can their love survive through the ever night? In this second book in her spellbinding Under the Never Sky trilogy, Veronica Rossi combines fantasy and sci-fi elements to create a captivating adventure—and a love story as perilous as it is unforgettable.
I don’t think I can find the words to do justice to how many delicious feels THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT gave me. I was excited for the book, but it far exceeded my expectations.
One of the things I love about Rossi’s writing is that she’s not afraid to make her characters hurt. I’m not talking about being sadistic or throwing in angst for the sake of angst. No, she makes her characters face fear and loss and heartache in a way that makes me feel like I’m right there with them. But with all these things also comes growth, and I can feel how each of the characters have evolved from the beginning of UNDER THE NEVER SKY (ROAR AND LIV for some) and now.
The characters are realistic, and everything—their relationships, mannerisms, reactions, words, etc.—reflects that. Never before have I read a book where I care about more people than just the male (#omnomperry) and sometimes female leads. The characters in this book, even the “bad guys” (because no one seems inherently bad; they are all fighting for their own survival), are all so wonderful. Even when I don’t love them, I can still relate to them.
This book toyed with my emotions in such a fabulous way. I will be eagerly awaiting the release of INTO THE STILL BLUE. I can’t wait to get more Aria and Perry. *dreamy sigh*
This book gave you feels? In your black kitteh heart? WOW.
There were so many feels I think my brain short circuited. #youllsee