It is with bittersweet sadness that I make my last Twilight post. This past weekend, Breaking Dawn Part 2 was released on DVD, officially marking the end of the Twilight era.
I watched BD2 in the theater four times on opening weekend. Each time it gave me chills, and only during my second viewing did I leak from my ocular cavities. It rightfully should have happened the first time, but I was too hopped up from the excitement of it all (and the twist) to be saddened by the fact that it was over.
Am I really sad, though? Nah. In 2008, when I read the books and the first Twilight movie was released, Breaking Dawn felt like forever away. And that was before adding an additional year for splitting the last book into two movies. I couldn’t wait to get to this point, so why should I be sad it’s over?
And my tears weren’t because the movie franchise came to an end. While reading the end of the book and watching the end of the movie, the same thought plagued my mind: Bella and Edward are going to live on with their perfect fairy tale love FOREVER while I’m going to grow OLD and DIE!!1!
But enough of the overly dramatic morbidity already.
In all seriousness, I’m not as crazy a fan as some people everyone seems to think. (Side note: I also don’t love all things vampire. They’ve been the “big thing” for the past few years. It’s kind of hard not to read/watch vampire stories when they’re being shoved down our throats by media companies.) My passion for Twilight had more to do with its social aspect. It was a reason to hang out with a group of girls and have a party. I mean, check out the photos from TwiSarah’s BD1 party! Did I go to the midnight showings because I couldn’t possibly wait until Friday to see the movies? No, I went because it was fun! I’ve gone to midnight showings before Twilight, and I’m sure I’ll continue to see them after. I’ve met a lot of great people (and rekindled an old friendship) through our mutual love of the saga, friendships that will undoubtedly last a lifetime. Honestly, if it weren’t for these girls, Rob, and the occasional fanfic, my love for Twilight probably would have fizzled out a couple years ago.
Yeah, I have an Edward pillowcase. I find it entertaining, especially when I catch hubs cuddled up to it.
There are posters on my walls (BD1 and BD2 are still in the tubes), but that’s because I like looking at Rob despite the creepiness of the promo shots. I’m sure most people would agree they’re better than the bright pink walls.
I only own one copy of each of the movies, and man, did my collection get screwed over. Two Borders special editions, two Target special editions, and a Target special edition Blu-ray. I’m still crossing my fingers for a Blu-ray box set with loads of new special features and never seen before footage, but I’m not holding my breath. Come on, Summit! Take my money one last time!
I’m also not holding my breath for Midnight Sun, which I predicted would either be released or news of its release would be released coinciding with the release of BD2 on DVD. (That’s a lot of releasing). I mean, I know SMeyer says she’s done with vampires and all that, but money talks, yo! Release it while people still care.
Anyway, I digress. Where were we? Ah, yes. Edward.
I love me some Rob. He did a great job of bringing this book boy to life. I can’t (and don’t want to) imagine anyone else filling the role. Twilight was the first book I read in the YA love story genre, and I really have to say that after reading similar books, Edward got bumped pretty far down the swoony boy list. (Patch and Perry and Four! Oh, my!) Not only that, but Twilight is pretty laughable when you break it down page by page and analyze it. If you’ve never visited Reasoning With Vampires, you’re missing out.
I love laughing at Twilight almost as much as I love swooning over Rob. Let’s think about this. A 100-something-year-old virgin vampire who won’t let his girlfriend into his pants…
The saga grossed something like 3 billion dollars in movie ticket sales alone, yet they couldn’t perfect the sparkles. So what did they do? They gave up. (click for slide show)
I’d be mad if I were playing Bella. I’d have been like, “I’ve waited FOUR MOVIES to be a vampire (spoiler alert) and I don’t even get to sparkle? wtf!”
As much fun as I’ve had, it wasn’t without frustration. If Twilight has taught me anything…
It’s that I’m never talking about anything I love with anyone in real life ever, ever again.
Look, I understand the story is not without flaws. It’s silly, and sometimes it doesn’t make sense, and although the fans cover a wide age range, the books are targeted to a younger audience. I can laugh at it. I can laugh at myself for liking it. I will laugh at it with you. What I can’t handle are people who hated it for whatever reason (or know nothing about it at all) and rip on me for enjoying it. Teasing can be fun, but after five years it gets old. After this experience, I can honestly say I would rather enjoy something by myself than get hassled over an extended period of time. If that means no pillowcases and posters, so be it. So EFF YOU, FUNWRECKERS! Way to take my escape, something light and fun that never did anything to you, and ruin it.
Back to the laughs, the RiffTrax for BD2 will be available next Friday. I’m SO ESSITED! But I’ll have to wait until my next Super Awesome Weekend with Ashley to watch it. Because that’s our thing. It’s what we do. #dogfacepainting
If you have seen the movie and want to laugh in good spirits, check out the Honest Trailers review of the two Breaking Dawn movies. They did the first three movies also—all very funny.
Addio, Twilight. We had a great run. Thanks for leaving us with Rob.
Dude!! I love this post. It was ossim and covered just about everything I feel about the series. Well, except I am fully out of the closet. And I have no pillowcase *marks calendar for June* YET.
Getchur own cuz I’m not sharing! lol