Nothing could have put us in a better mood than seeing boats on the water Thursday morning! The port was finally open and we were able to go diving. When we returned, we had lunch and then chilled for the afternoon. I brought my laptop down to the lobby and worked on color correcting some dive photos, all while sitting in the cool shade with a spectacular view of the ocean. A nice gentleman who was walking behind me even complimented my mad photo skillz, especially one of double queen angelfish (they’re shy little bastards).

Curtis and Kristen did a night dive from shore. I fully intended on going, but I was just too fatigued and opted for a hardcore nap instead. Hopefully I’ll have another chance before the trip is over. I woke up just as they were returning and captured a few pics that totally do not do the sight justice.

For dinner we went to La Choza. Of course Nick just happened to go there solo the night before. Fortunately he was willing to go again despite his less than stellar fajita experience. I’m so glad we went, because it’s the best meal I’ve had while here. I ordered the tropical shrimp, which came in a delicious sweet mustard sauce. They sold the sauce in bottles as well. I was tempted to buy it just so I could drink it. Kristen and I also indulged in noodle soup, which was tasty. We were also serenaded by a Mexican band!

For dessert, we stopped at El Postre Cito. Nick and I shared a chocolate cake. Kristen and Curtis had some pudding thingy with ice cream. Also, I had my first ever cafe latté. It was good. Now I know what all the fuss is about.