After 3 months Nick and I finally received our PADI Advanced Diver certification cards in the mail. Of course I didn’t mail in the application until a couple weeks ago. I got the limited edition whale shark card and it looks like this:
After 3 months Nick and I finally received our PADI Advanced Diver certification cards in the mail. Of course I didn’t mail in the application until a couple weeks ago. I got the limited edition whale shark card and it looks like this:
Nick and I went bowling with the Bolins on Sunday night. It was a lot of fun. I haven’t bowled since I was 14. To my pleasure, my average was much higher than it used to be. I had a three game average of 102, giving me a handicap of 78 pins. I know, I know, I totally rock. There was some talk of potentially joining their team on the league next year. I don’t know how that will pan out, but it would be pretty cool.