Last summer, I decided to go antiperspirant free. This is my story.
My struggle with antiperspirant has been real since I was a teenager. You see, I’m a sweater. There, I said it. I sweat. A lot. My sweat production calmed down a lot after the puberty phase (Did anyone else pit out through sweatshirts? Yes? No? Just me? Okay.), but for the most part, my pits were always moist. The only thing that ever seemed to stop the sweating was the nighttime deodorant Certain Dri. Use it for 3 nights, your pits will dry up like a desert for a week. You might get a burning itchy sensation if you apply to much, or too often, or use it after shaving or showering. You might even wake up and have itched yourself raw in the middle of the night, but speaking as someone who pitted out sweatshirts, it was totes worth it.